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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Youth Soccer for Hazel Green, Meridianville, New Market, and Central Areas

AYSO Region 1174 NoMad Soccer Club



Team volunteers include coaches, assistant coaches, team parents, and general help. These roles will show to you as part of the registration process. 


These roles are open for a membership year and only have to be signed up for once per membership year (August-July). These roles are a separate registration flow found through the Volunteer tab in your account. 


During player registration, there is an opportunity to volunteer as a team volunteer. However you are also able to volunteer after registration is done by following the steps below.

1. While logged into your account, hit the Volunteer tab on your registration home screen. This screen will show you roles you are currently signed up for. 
2. To find new roles hit the Find Volunteer roles button found underneath the shopping cart, notifications, and settings lcons. 
3. This will pop up a screen with all available opportunities. If you do not see what you are looking for, hit the show all available opportunities at the bottom of the screen. For coaches without a player, playing this step may be needed to show the coaching options. 
4. Select the position(s) you are interested in and follow the screen prompts to continue. 
5. Fill out the required volunteer form. You will notice this form is condensed and reduced from the previous versions with a lot of the more detailed background check information not being required on our site. This will be completed with the background check now. 
6. Background Checks- Background checks are now only required every 15 months instead of once per membership year. Our CVPA and RC will monitor risk status dates(background check renewal date). If you will expire mid season, we will ask you to go ahead and complete the renewal at the beginning of the season. If you see your risk status date is before November 15 for fall or June 1 for Spring, please renew. 
- New volunteers or expired background check- You will be prompted by email to complete your background check after registration. If you happen not to see that email, you can still complete by following the steps below.
-Renewals- In your volunteer tab under your roles that will show after you volunteer, will be a list of items including risk status, concussion, cardiac arrest, safe haven, etc. Check the box beside risk status and hit renew/update to trigger background check update process with sterling volunteers. This will send an email to your email address. Please follow the steps in the email to complete the background screening. 
7. Certifications/Trainings- In your volunteer tab, under your name will be a link for my trainings. Click this link and it will take you to our new training platform eTrainU. All volunteers must take Safe Haven. All coaches, assistant coaches, board members and referees must also take CDC Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Awareness. Other trainings will be required based on your roles. 

Contact Us

AYSO NoMads 1174

AYSO 1174 
New Market, Alabama 35761

Email Us: [email protected]